Artists & Illustrators, London – put Sarbani’s painting on their cover and did a feature on her on their center spread in their August ’95 issue. Their art critic Karen Taylor, who interviewed Sarbani, says ‘…Her compositions are completely uncontrived, imported as they stand direct from nature. She doesn’t analyze her choice of subjects; she simply responds to a scene’s natural beauty and the spontaneous urge to capture it on the canvas… a measure of her success is ‘Mustard in Bloom’ about which she is typically modest. The painting is simple to the point of abstraction, yet the scene is instantly recognizable. The colors of this painting are indeed stunning, as they are in nearly all Sarbani Sen’s work’. … One conscious tenet she has taken from Hinduism is a firm belief in reincarnation. Expecting to return to other lives, Sarbani strides steadily towards her artistic ambition, ‘to reach a stage where I feel I have arrived’.